Monday, March 21, 2011

A New World

I never thought that I would enter the world of blogging.  I really don't like to write.  I really don't  think I am that good at writing.  However, there are times when I have a few thoughts that I need to get out, and no one is around to listen.  Of course, there are times when others are around, but they don't care what is on my mind at that moment...if they ever care!  So I just figured this might be a way to get some of those thoughts out, and if anyone is interested they can log on and read.  As the title says, what is found on here will be simple thoughts- nothing deep or profound since I don't know how to think deeply anyway.  Also, the posts on here will be deadlines!   

In one sense, starting a blog is a way that I am facing one of my fears.  Since I don't have a lot of confidence in my writing ability (or spelling for that matter...thank the Lord for spell check!), I don't like to put my thoughts in print.  It is safer to keep them to myself or just tell someone what's on my mind.  That way I don't allow people to see one of my weak spots.  That is fear, and fear brings a snare (Prov. 29:25).  I'm not saying that God told me to start this blog, but it will help me to face one of my fears that I have had for some time. Who knows, maybe someone might actually get something from a future post; I hope so.  I'm sure some will read them and think that I need to just stick with preaching.  Maybe they will be good for a laugh.  

Anyway, I begin this journey with excitement, and I look forward to what shall follow.  We shall see what the future holds! 

John 3:30


  1. Very nice my friend, I am going to enjoy following you. I love to hear your words of wisdom, they have helped me more than you can imagine.

  2. At least this way, I'll always know "where you are"....sitting on the couch (with laptop while blogging!). HA!
